My CLUBLOG -MeVdia .
it .... ME Versus the Media?
who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not
hear the music".(Nietzsche)
Often his is more of a "scrappy
diary" than a "BLOG" ...but it fits my "lifestyle" <smile> (previous
CLUBlogged C_H_Ris-tour)
RED Nose Initiative?
as the regional British / ex pat community has not got involved with the "RED nose day" invasion of the Balkans...some associates and myself have formed a NOT4PROFIT service ( see ) as you can see theres no "flash" marketing or high-tech imagery, just a basic point of reference..BUT anyone using taking full & positive advantage of these services will receive our UNIQUE combination of experience and talent (no false modesty here mateys! <smile> its for charity) ...
I personally offer a free 30 minute session if you make a small donation, in relation to networking , joint venture or start-ups , the profits going to be contributed between "RED NOSE DAY" funds and local charities of my choice (100% for the benefit of disadvantaged kids) and a small amount to go to the charity chosen by the family of the recently deceased "shanklyboy" (Ray) one of the few "original kopites" of my generation.
PLUS our friend who operates "Nurse, Nanny & home help" services (also speaking local and english languages fluently) will offer a limited number of hours to "ex-pat" familes (as long as they make her a nice cup of tea at the end of her "shift" ! )
hope you all "react" in the spirit of the well known "RED nose day" initiative and have FUN doing so..
The "human RACE" is racing towards oblivion, the cycle of "BS" continues as people went from those olden days when any man (usually self-appointed) formed a group, became "King" and built an army, often of mercenaries who invaded or simply sole the land , then demanded payment for people to live on it, religion followed "to keep the people scared" if they didnt fear the "royalty" then they feared the "GOD(s)" ...with religions came poltics and the hierachy that transferred judgement in church to judgement in state - controlled courts (even today they wear those ridiculous robes and fool the masses into thinking its justice, when we all know that rich man can buy a better lawyer, if he cant the jury! and an innocent poor person is lucky to gets even a minimum chance even if he surivives the police attempt to obtain a "guilty" to avoid "burden" to the system!) ... and now, we have "judgement" by media*, public opinion is on the whole decided by HOW the media reports life, who they are biased for or against, what messaage the sponsor wishes, the business machine dictates who is right or wrong and the journalists "spin" the policy , and even our phones and emails etc are not free of corporate, private or state interference and censorship.
do YOU believe you live in a free world ?????
kills the media..
can you see ?? or are you blind?
"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet". (Ancient Persian Saying) todays modern society breeds moaners and spoilt brats ...who only care about "bling" and the latest "trend"
another word for nothing left to lose..?
I had some "fun" in the supermarket, not only do the "cia" monitor my comms but when the security guard follows me around the store, it P*sses me I confrotn him by following him around and standing so close to him whilst looking at the shelves he has to move away, (JO) talked about "foreigners in the UK" well here i am the "alien" mistrusted by virtually everyone, anyone who moans should try living for a while in another country...
whilst I am in "rant mode" I am constantly amazed how quickly people are "impressed" my life I have met people from all "levels / classes" origins, creeds, colours and ethnicity...and believe me theres no ONE to be scared of...and very VERY few to be "impressed" by people are too quickly annointed with "celebrity" or "legend" status....
Did they overthrow a dictatorship?...did they drag a child from a burning building , or stake their life on telling the trut? did they fight for justice ?...or are they just fortunate to either "look right" or be in the right place at the right time, the daily "bling propaganda" had blinded so many people, add political and religious leaders infectign people with their lies or lawyers & bankers twisting logic to suit they financial aims and its no wonder that the last thing a kid learns is about equal rights or the "golden rule"..
Business people (Trump?????) get godlike status mostly from cheating or fooling other people and in extremes even kill or maim other directly or indirectly in their lust for more & more money/materialism or simply to feed their own power base and egocentric targets. most business people I have met were not particularly intelligent, some may have studied at harvard, or inherited their wealth, its rare to find someone who got to the top (or even wanted to) by doing good!
My point..?...well didn't real need one, its sure that if there is not a radical change in mentality the human race wont last much longer, and perhaps we deserve not to, polluting this beautiful planet, teaching kids that money is the only thing they need, and killing off any creativity and individualism in order to maintain the "new world order" or whatver the leaders may call for myself I will oppose any person in power, iits my small way of "balancing" the hierachy, and goodness me, dont they need to "come down to earth"!??
but never EVER forget, its
YOU "the people" who are responsible for them staying in power!
think murton must have smacked Soto in the mouth? ;) LMAO !
love in..........
CS@misshanks the USA
re-elected Reagan & Bush, censored a comedian, says it all..& those
who have forgotten thatcher elect cameron, glad i am here (wherever
that is!) ;)
when will people wake up? its not the "stranger" that is their enemy ,
its the "leaders"
"I'd played at Anfield and I knew the crowd were fantastic. I knew there was a public just waiting. So I fought the battles inside and outside. I was interested in only one thing, success for the club. And that meant success for the people. I wanted results for the club, for the love of the game, to make the people happy." Bill Shankly.
more than just a football
club...players , supporters and (true) manager = the "Liverpool holy trinity"
LIVERPOOL FC 1 - 0 sparta
dirk goal & stevie celebrated..
Dirk goal gets us through,
hard fought, dAGGER plauyed well but injured
referee was from Milutin's home town (VrbaS?) pity he didnt give us
a Pen in the first few mins though.....!
some "fans" make me sick, we always had "workers" between the few star
players, Lucas etc needs supporters not "boo boys" Support!
if the season had started Jan 1 we would be near the top, so if NESV had
appointed Kenny when they took over we could be top now!!!
guarantee that whatever
UEFA do, by accident or design, that the last thing they care about is
Liverpool Supporters! its always been like this, like switching dates/times
of games..UEFA and SKYtv..join the S*n as things to eradicate should the
revolution overcome
the "suits" one day ;)
Read More curious-case-of-fernando-torres-and-luis-suarez
as Much as I am made up
to have Kenny back..Rafa was cheated out of the job they gave to hodgson,
done great things on and off the field (we now see with t he youth team)
would love to see him back at LFC , with Kenny in some way...¬if_t=video_processed
some people really need to hang their heads in shame in the way Rafa was treated, xenophobic english media/TV"pundits", some misguided fans and the fraudsters ; Hocks & co , Purslow & broughton ...I curse you all!
Carra breaks reecord number of european appearances of a British player
"From Roy Evans’ side of fluent possession football and Gerard Houllier’s counter-attacking treble winners through to the heights of Rafa Benitez’s tactically sound European Champions, Carra’s influence on the side has continued to increase as he has matured into one of the best defenders in the Premiership.
But while he credits all three managers for their contribution to his development he has no doubts as to who has had the biggest impact on his career.
“From a professional point of view it would have to be Rafa Benitez,” he says.
“I won the European Cup
under him and I’ve definitely learnt a lot off the manager in the past
three seasons – especially from the football and tactical side of it."
LFC Weekly February 22: Meireles Believes Carroll/Suarez Partnership is a Recipe for Goals
our LFC repayments probably kept Royal Bank of Scotland afloat! ("bankers back in profit!!")
CS>@LFCTV no need to choose (CL position or win Europa League) , typical BS! we should go for both!
»(Purslow finally
left LFC!)
SmiTH>good riddance, purslow helped force out Rafa replaced him
with a fool and overlooked Kenny, badly advised yankers , paticipated in
a late sale of the club at the lowest price possible and ignored the supporters
protests/shareLFC , NESV should have dumped hodgson "after 10 games" ..wonder
who advied them to keep him, if Kenny had taken over a couple of months
earlier we surely would be close to the top of the league (had the league
started on jan 1 we would be 2nd now) the man was a disaster! with Hicks
& co did more damage to us than anyone in the last 2 decades!
MarieB>The last bit of the twisted jigsaw that ruined our club....finally gone....wonderful news......and good riddance!!!!
Marie I will certainly drink to that..I am still just a bit cautious about
the new yankers, want to see what happens in time , now that purslow is
out of the way, I have a clearer picture of them..lets see what they do,
apart from the purchase, and the debt on the club, they havent actually
spent anything above the income into the club this I wont get
carried away, too many fans saw them as saviours because of the fraudsters
that went before but I truly believe that they got a "bargain" and our
supporters should have taken the opportunity to share the club when we
had the chance, we shall see if they are true partners over time! ..they
are business people so I hope they listen to us and Kenny when considering
the future of our club, I have written to them suggesting they initiate
a supporters share scheme..we shall see. but with Kenny I feel that much
more positive about our future! YNWA! x
SatnamR>i at last the last
bit of cancer at our football club has gone!! he was only interested in
power and causing unrest rafa questioned his loyality to the club and he
got him the sack..purslow you will always walk alone!!!
SmiTH> but he will probably get awarded an obe or something, after
all they made that other b'stard broughton a "sir" (cur more like!) even
the Lfc tv claire said "nice things" tonight , unbelievable how she could
say that with a straight face..!
Quote from: FAT SCOUSER (RAWK) on June 27, 2010, 12:52:10 AM
" If H&G told me the time, I'd check me watch at least 3 times.. twice
to see they was telling the truth, and once to see if they'd stole it."
dont know why , as he wears Kenny's number 7 shirt we dont sing ther old Kenny song.. "i'll walk a million miles for one of your goals..oh Suarez..! ?
"Liverpool is a very famous club, the most famous club in England, and I watched Liverpool and English football as a boy. It's a dream to be able to come and play here" - Luis Suarez
20 years later...
(ACTUALLY got online !!!!)
If I remember rightly I was travelling across europe at the time, trying to find about the story...
20m years after he walked away ...Lfctv talks about Kenny, and the european ban// if we would have won more in europe in 80's and 90's? I was travelling through europe at the time..
for the first time in years I got through tonight on Lfctv... , felt inclined to say that I am made up that Kenny is back, I recall that I was shocked when Shanks went, but when Kenny went felt that someone like Souness or Kevin, would continue the bootroom, shame that he wasnt allowed back after a while, because the decline followed, I dont rate some of the teams that benefited from our absence from Europe,
I am sure we would have won one or 2 more European Club champions league trophies, in that period,,as our team "ethic" would have overcome some of the "great players" of AC milan, red star and Porto and perhaps maintained our domination of european and british club football, however thats life,
it was understandable Kenny needed rest & recuperation 20 years ago..whilst Rafa did his utmost to maintain the original ideals of the "Liverpool way" xenophobic media and misguided pundits fed "fickle fans" were looking to always stick the knife in a genius , whereas Kenny is such a strong man & legend that even the fools dare not go against him.. (cs)
CS@LFCTV could have won the European club champions cup once or twice more & the decline of the 90's may never have happened, but thats life!! ....BTW, the late 70's team would have beaten anyone..77/78 were too strong , barca now would have had problems with a physical game
(flashback to 20 years ago)
KENNY> "The last thing I wanted to do is hurt the club and the supporters", he said."If they are disappointed, there is nobody more disappointed than me. "I may have left Liverpool Football Club but Liverpool Football Club will never leave me."The memories and achievements will be with me forever and I will always be a Liverpool fan."
Fans, staff and players were shocked at the sudden turn of events.Radio DJ and lifelong Reds fan John Peel, who named his son Thomas James Dalglish, said, "It is like hearing about the death of a favourite uncle. "My little lad will be heartbroken. Come to think of it, so am I."
Gerry Marsden, whose version of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' was adopted as a Kop anthem in the 1960s, said, "I am shocked and stunned. "The pressure must have been great for Kenny to pack in. "He has done great for us but Liverpool is strong enough to carry on - the team will battle on. We will survive"
Former strike partner Ian Rush, then in his second spell at Anfield, later explained what the meeting when Dalglish told the players that he was going was like."We had all come in for training and were told to meet in the dressing room. "Kenny walked in and said he was leaving. It was complete shock and surprise in there. "He couldn't say too much but there were tears in his eye as he spoke. "He was a great man-manager. "He used to take all the pressure off the players and heap it on himself. "Looking back, you can see how it all built up inside him and he didn't tell anyone. "It does take a toll when you manage a big club, and he had things to cope with that no one else had experienced - I think he went to virtually every funeral after Hillsborough. "But he's always been a very private man and I've never asked him why he did it."
Read More twenty-years-on-the-day-kenny-dalglish-stunned-the-football-world
Kenny on Ferguson: "You'd get more sense talking to my six week old daughter Lauren".
CS>rather see Kenny and Andy enjoying music than some other media -inspired "scandal" miind you, not sure the photo is real , looks like "miss piggy" sitting in front of them?..:) .and just love the Kenny press conferences , should record all of these and make our kids watch them time and time again so they REALLY understand that the modern media standard is just slightly improved on the germans 1930s version!
Shankly - 'The socialism I believe in is not really politics; it is humanity,
a way of living and sharing the rewards'
11228 "Take the time today to consider your health, Gemini. Do you get enough rest, eat the right foods, take vitamins, exercise every day, go to the doctor when you need to, and take time to relax? All these help you have a lifetime of good health. Living a long, healthy life is something we all want. Start now to take care of your body."
(staying out until 04hrs drinkign with "Me Freedom" didnt help, but I am just "Clublogging"
11227"Venturing into something new and different may be what you need, Gemini. You have a very solid, practical side to your personality, but the need for excitement and adventure is likely to be just as strong. If you've had your nose to the grindstone recently, take some time off for fun. Visit a friend or, better yet, drive to a place you haven't been to and explore"
(we went to "Berlin" ...a
bar in Pg <smile> )
FT: West Ham v Liverpool 3:1
CS>(Watched the game @ "westside" with Veli, Milos & a coupel of other local lads who disappeared at the end , obviously disappointed) after a bright start, wham got a decent goal and we seemed to lose our energy, injuries to Kelly & Raul disrupted our game, but with the subs being forwards it was always likely that we would either out-score them or lose a 3rd goal, pleased to see the Suarez "assist" but not enough of the "pass & move" Stevie didnt really get into the game and the team seemed tired , credit to wham thats probably the best they have played all season, pity it had to be against us!
LFCtv panel, and "fickle fans" 1st defeat in 9 games and they all become
"defeatISTS" soft lot, be more positive! ..
AbFab had a baby girl ....congratulatiions!
11226"Tap into your creativity to unblock the emotional flow today, Gemini. This can be a powerful tool. Creativity is a big part of who you are, almost as big as communication. Your emotions link to these two aspects and constantly interact beneath the surface. If one gets blocked, release it by focusing on the other. Express yourself through creativity and consider talking to someone close".
(met Slobo, his friend Ana
& "Zorro" at the darts bar), soon to be "sports bar"?)
11225"You may not be your usual cheery self today, Gemini. Gloom may have come over you. You may doubt everything that happens in your life. No matter how promising a career, romance, or money matter seems, you think the worst. Treat yourself today. Get a massage, relax in a hot tub, and rub and soak out those doubting spirits. That will get you through the day. Tomorrow you will be back to normal."
(bl**dy leaky tap in the kitchen sink!)
1224"Career and financial successes might finally come your way after months and perhaps years of striving, Gemini. The emotional support you receive from those who've been working with you can be very gratifying, and it's likely to last for a long time. If you like what you're doing, chances are you will be doing it for a while. If you're committed to your profession, keep up the good work."
(watched "Scrubs" marathon on tv, got cards for the NOT4Profit "charity" (TS) and downloaded music/videos 4 Tuzla
18h Lfc tv/Intenet ....(europea League) LIVERPOOL v sparta (pictures above)
1-0 late goal by Dirk...Dirk
against sparta, the lads fought against a brutal team, not pretty but through..hard
fought win v sparta, another step..8 games without defeat, if the season
had started on january 1 we would be in 2nd place, pity about another injury
to Danny ..hope to see a full side soon with Suarez and Carroll , because
we only have 2 league games in march and 2 europa league games .
joked with Milutin ..
should make an "advert" for sebian railways.. "enjoythe trip, meet new people and excecise during our get on, get off , train game" ;)
11223"You may feel a bit weighed down today, Gemini, and perhaps more reserved than usual. Someone may be raining on your parade, but don't let it get you down. Use the grounded energy of the day to get things done. You have your hands full with many tasks, so sit down and bring them to completion. Calm your nervous system and balance your frantic emotions. Ease off the caffeine."
(I drank more Tea <smile> ) pre-occupied with the Tuzla meet and with ungrateful people!
I did a lot, ordered cards,
met Srdjan, got most of the LFC souvenirs
back form Bar (Liverpool pub)
gave "beerfest" glass to
and downloaded more Liverpool songs for Tuzla
tried to get the lads (Milika L) interested in playing a 5-a-side game (no enthuisiam, our generation would have played all day and night , given he chance) I am gettign fat with lack of match practise lol,
People optimistic about
getting to the final in Dublin and who we could play well, first let us
get there, but...would be too difficult to get tickets for all our supporters
with another british-based side there, i want a final like dortmundi 01
where alaves only brought about a 1000 fans - so the whole city was
RED great party that was, it took me 2 weeks to recover(as for watching
in Pg, ..I prefer the west side bar over ferber(?) or whatever that pub
was called ....but maybe we could make our own "club" venue) @ west
side the barman is more friendly and have a bigger screen ..I went there
2 weeks ago and they just let us watch what we want..
11222"Expect some great news regarding money, possibly involving professional advancement. You may have to control the urge to cry tears of joy, Gemini. In a different vein, a close friend could be going through some changes and might want your support. Your best course of action would be to listen rather than give advice. You may have to control yourself if the situation defies all reason"
played some good sounds today....
sunday , neighbours moaning about music
or nothing..these were not from Lp, but the scally faces were the same,
"revolution" was in our hearts...but where
is it today?
.....every picture tells a story,...dont it? ...I bought that album , a giirlfriend sold i didnt learn from the lyrics until later..maybe..great sound, and great lyrics., my mate mike tried to look like stewie, but i was the one who "lived the song" ..<smile>
dedicted to ...her..f-ck
to believe...
like a ........ little girl, all these "barbies " trying to look
like fashion models , all that bling..this is dedicated to you
......hollies , he
aint heavy to fellow REdS , worldwide.,
......faces ... ooh la la la wish i knew,,,"poor old Granddad, I laughed at all his words I thought he was a bitter man he spoke of women's ways they'll trap you when they use you before you even know for love is blind and you're far to kind don't ever let it show I wish that I knew ....."
11221" Gemini ; "Jealousy could rear its ugly head today, Gemini. This may involve a romantic relationship. Jealousy is often groundless. If you want to avoid an upset, try a little communicating. This is definitely the time to make the effort to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Strong emotions can work for you under some circumstances. A passionate reconciliation is better than an angry estrangement."
(angry with those jealous people who would rather sabotage our meeting than encourage it)
Crvena Yesterday at 17:52
Danas je jedan od natuznijih
dana u mom zivotu... saznati da nisi pravi navijac Liverpoola jer nisi
priznat od Chrisa Smitha i novokomponovane navijacke oligarhije koja uvodi
pometnju na forumu ?iji je valjda jedini cilj da se veli?a ljubav prema
klubu... i jer ne?eš možda oti?i na sastanak ?ija je najve?a poenta da
kupiš sebi majicu ištampanu od strane istih... koga cu sad navijati
kad je izgubljeno to 'pravo' da se zovem navija?em Liverpoola
??>Today is the saddest day in my know that you are not a real supporter of Liverpool cause you are not recognized by Chris Smith and new supporters oligarhywhos importing agitation on this forum and they only aim is maybe to rise their love to our club...and your mayve not going to their event whos only goal is to buy a t-shirt printed by their side...uh..who am I going to support now when I lost that 'right' to call myself a liverpool supporter
Nina>haha tell me about it those people wont get even close to UK not mention Anfield with this thoughts ...pathethic lol
> the world is full of people who do nothing, but then try to damage those
who do..i would rather have a meetin of 10 true REdS than a 100 "fickle
(izzy problem...ob2
& Vesna birthday )...
music from the Kinks...
......tired of waiting 4 u
day and all of the night
(Beatles) , but it is not "alright" ..yet!
me why,,, when U think you have the answer to a woman, they change
the question! ;)
have known better (Beatles)
just to dance with you..
that girl.... (to me)
miss l)izzy,..this ones for you..
I needed someone,,
night before,,,,
.......need you ...
meeting ("dreams & songs to sing"....) Liverpool FC Chants - :)
Too Good To Be True [ Steven Gerrard] - with Lyrics
We'll Be Coming - Liverpool Fans
Red and White Kop - Liverpool Songs
(when we sing this half
the supporters sing one line and the other half sing the next line)
....Oh when the reds go marching in!
Liverpool fans before psv-Liverpool
The Reds are coming up the Hill
ring of fire ("the 05 song" on the way to Istanbul)
we love you Liverpol ("official")
Tuzla : w/end 5/6 march '11:
Nina and another famous tennis
fan of LFC...
(thats not Steve G, that Carol W!)
has done a lot of work and care to prepare the situation, I have checked
we will have great souvenir T-shirts
we will have exclusive use of "Lion cafe" (nice people!!)
we will have a meeting to discuss plans for visiting Anfield and OTHER
benefits for members
at this meeting is vital if you want to j...oin a group trip to Liverpool)
after party
about our own "Balkan Reds channel" (TV /audio)
so...dont miss it!
NIna> Same problem again...about
200 people clicked 'Im attending' our event and 80% of them are from Indonesia...zato
samo oni koji su poslali bookirali su majice...da budu dupe digli pa poslali
SmiTH> Hiya little Red riding hood, aka "queenie" ..maybe they chartered
a jet to fly them to Tuzla as they heard about all the great things going
on next weekend? ..dont worry we have enough to make a great meeting/party
and anyone who dont come is the loser! :D
Nina>yeah i know but those
indonesians always clink that they attending everything lol
SmiTH> well you cant fault their enthusiam , many will never ever
get anywhere near Anfield, and some barely speak any other word than "Liverpool
FC"t but often they are 2nd or third generation Lfc fans..and just want
to associated with anything relating to the REdS. there are enough "lpcals"
who COULD coem and dont to be concerned with, but thats not a problem any
more , we will have a great time with or without them ..
LFC Balkan Supporters Union (
v the mancs....will all our "BIG GUNS" be fit!!!??
The captain @ 12 years old..(already a confident look ab out him)
Personal ; "snips" of a long discussion with L about my motives & intent for "Balkan REdS"
CS>i really enjoyed "adopting" you and the other lads to Bucharest...i am sure you read my positive responses to that timewas a "compensation" for not going to prague, so I feel that if i can get there , so can you???
but its not a job, or an obligation its a choice...
I dont have internet when I travel...but i find ways to communicate are always living amongst friends and family and fellow students, I travel alone..i dont ask for special sympathy (its my choice of "lifestyle") but some understanding one day, when or if you live abroad, maybe you will understand me better of course I am seeing things from my perspective...and therefore I am not I said I wont discuss it any more when you are older maybe you will understand..I will thank you for what you did in the past, but I have NOT changed! ...i have always been honest with you and all the local REdS ...about our "big Global REds family"..thats also your choice...
well i dont see friends by nationality or religion etc but how they treat me, thats not a "judgement" thats opionion, and my choice that my way based on my perspective that natioanl identity and religious or ethic bias hurts peoiple, its not the people that come from another country that you should be prejudiced against but the people that make the lines across a piece of land and then get people to kill for it..
I will take "Balkan REdS" to anfield, but I will make those plans in the Tuzla meeting,if we get to Dublin I will go estranged child may be there too.. if you "defend" me .thanks ..but for what? .for spending my time educating people about the true "Liverpool way" and on my limited budget trying to make a good time for ALL REdS in the Balkans, (no matter if they call themselves serbs, croats, montenegrins, or come from bosnia or kosovo) becuase we are all human.
I didn't have anyone to pay for my education I worked from the age of 16, and i live from my own efforts, choices and consequences , I looked at you as my son, but of course you have a good father. so enjoy your family ..i treat you individually , if you want to come with me to Anfield then you ought to come to Tuzla, and support a "balkan Reds meeting", i went to subotica to meet you, you were not there, I went to belgrade , you were not there.., I have done enough! I am doing something difficult here, trying to get people in this region to come together in a positive way via our REdS "fsmily" i hoped you would help, but its your choice if you dont..
Other Opinions
CS>I've been campaigning since 2 decades for ecological development of alternative energy supplies powered by solar, wind and water etc ...but most people are selfish & apathetic and wait until crisis before they wake up, if at all.!
///// It's
a shame that 99.9 percent of bankers give the rest a bad name.
Paula A>LMAO.........:)
Time-of-the-month warning
wristband that tells men when wives have PMT
It works by monitoring
subtle changes in a woman's body temperature during her monthly cycle -
and has been dubbed 'Help for Husbands' by inventor Karl Dorn.
) most modern women just need it tatooed ,lol, cause they seem bitter all
the time!
Paula A> Tread carefully
Chris , who knows which ladies on FB are on their havent seen
my karate I mean chop lol
ha ha, Paula ,before I left the NL 2 years my (last) dutch girlfriend was
arrested twice after throwing a couple of bottles through the living room
window and for kiicking police in london, another one many years ago pretended
to have cancer so she could screw my business, another took away &
neglected our kid who in directly died of drugs 11 years ago as a result,and
i have had 2 kids "legally stolen" by the german state whilst the mother
lied through her teeth..almost every day i see women who care about image
rather than caring about care..somehow your flop-chop dont really scare
me , lol but hell, will giive you a try! ;)
wondering when england will follow suite with egypt & bahrain because
the torys are sending us down the creek without a paddle.
E> i'v been wonderin this for years, where a nation of people who
take things lying down, we don't stick up for our selves
Jo> There a joke - they
havnt even been in power 12 months and look what theyve done already. slashed
every thing then threatening people to get jobs when there is none because
theyve forced so many closures. they annoy me. cant wait to do my training
then im off coz theres gonna be nothing left in a few years x
SmiTH>many Brits have become too lazy and apathetic....they swallow
the material BS of the media daily (just like the way they do with the
footy media ) young ppl bought into the bling generation, no spirit of
"revolution" few have an opinion of their own..yr welcome in the Balkans
JO! ;)
E> its joke, there was 35 imigrants working tax free cought in 1
restaraunt recently, maybee if they stopt letting free loaders in to claim
the benefits the british tax payers pay, we wouldnt be in so much
was only 2 yrs ago i had a job and was told i could not do it as it was
under the national miniman wage but it was the going rate for an apprentice.
forcing me to work full time on a part time wage, its all wrong x
Margaret R> Lv that film
jo without a paddle pmsl , as n the tory shit the queen sits on her ar*e
accepting the sh*t the countrys now in, her and the lords should av a conflab
in parlament, im labour me, makes me laugh when 1 gov, blames the previous
1 and so on n on, for the state were in, lets face it do we ever see all
these pre meditated stuff on paper b4 the ballot! No x
Jo Brady>The people who
voted them in are all nobs but it will go tits up ESP with the nhs we English
take being violated lying down ya gotta work here before u can leave this
place I'm aiming on 2 yrs I qualify nxt do some work then go if this country
hasn't got better!!!! X
H> well sed jo geoff got finished twice in jobs cos of foreigners
ur loyalty shud b wiv british people 1st as for david cameron wanted 2
sell a bloody forest last week an backed down pity he didnt listen 2 the
poor students as hes taking away there ema wot a tit hope he goes soon
the rich will get richer an the poor will be poor 4 eva x
E> we are the only free loading country, i could not go to australia
and claim benefit, i would have to have a trade before i got in, but we
let all waifs n strayes in
Margaret R> I will
comment later jo bk to work for me, i work 6 days a week full time cant
afford a day to southport :( happy talking e1 , l8s x
Valerie E J>> it all starts
with a tweet....
SmiTH >there was another nation that blamed foreigners when things
went wrong...same old story..ppl always blame the "others" but dont solve
any problems themselves.. used to be irish and blacks that did all the
jobs that brits didnt want to do, when I was a kid all the nurses were
foreign..ppl make me laugh wehn they blame foreigners our givt raped the
colonies of resources, forced our ways on ppl all across the world then
moan when they come to UK...theres a lot of lazy brits too who never get
off their ar*e
E> the point i was makin is i dont mind forigners working
here good on em for getting work, its the immigrants that dont declare
work hence getting tax free money that bothers meand it also bothers me
that so many immigrants can come in the country and claim benifits for
large families so easy, there is lots of lazy people about but there is
also a shortage of jobs with 5 people going for 1 job at a time it aint
gonna be fixed with no magic wand, if people stopped screwin the tax man
then the tax man could stop screwin us, and then we could afford to live
and buissnesses would not be forced to close down making more jobs!See
R> Bk briefly jo e1, wtf does that scruffy b..terd gadafi look like,
evel fuk he is, should av bin in the same noose as saddam the pr*ck, are
govenments r shit when it comes down to the eccomany, theyve got to keep
them forein countrys happy buying there cheep oil ect and puts the petrol
up for us brits who r on crap wages !
Neal H> Didn't the students
Jo G>
you dont live here day in day out so to be honest you dont know how it
is at the moment.... everything has gone up in price, theres shops were
no english are allowed in as they will only serve polish. the place is
over loaded with peo...ple & my point is theres not enough houses &
jobs for the british people but the goverment are making cuts across the
whole country, shops are either closing down or buisness is going to immigrants
who will accept alot less pay....... and the english people are getting
fed up of being 2nd class citizens the country we were born in. especialy
those whos have worked hard and paid there taxes & n.i for years!
Andrew> I reakon if we
rioted in london and took over parliament and the palace as part of a citizens
revolution they would use airstrikes and chemical weapons against us. Churchill
sanctioned the use of machine gun fire againsa strikers in the north of
england, he got voted britains greates even man, I say he was a pompous
the machine guns
were never used but he sanctioned the use of them.
John M>thats
what the song "Eton Rifles" is about.
SmiTH> JO,
i wont argue with anyone about this, i have seen things like this before
you were born..been a "foreigner" everywhere, and its always the same..if
it hadnt been for foreigners there wouldnt have been any doctors and nurses
when you were... born...i dotn suppose anyone wants to watch it..but this
...if Uk isnt careful the english will be like the USA , ppl without opions
other than what they read in the s*n or on slyTV...JO I may not like in
the UK, but I live in the world..bye!
when ppl start blaming
foreigners, they go on the slippery slope..
W> I'll fetch my tent to Hamilton square.!!
Jo G> there
was riots in my street a few years back & it was frightning. petrol
bombs getting thrown at the police - a bomfire in the road to stop the
police getting through. it didnt make any difference lol but that was daftness.
people on low incomes have to make a choice if they need heat or food more
its bad times & with prices rocketing its getting worse - theres only
so much that people can take. its not all about people coming into the
country its about putting our needs first. thats the point people are getting
W> For me it's about the banks getting us in a mess, being given
our money to help them get by.then giving themselves big bonus' still,
rather than paying back those loans so that poor people can have better
stuff. It sickens me to see city types getting squillions of quids while
work places close, people lose their jobs, classroom assistants get sacked,
libraries close and food prices rocket! grrr.
I say sell the shares in the banks if we did that now the black hole in
the finances would be wiped out give or take 10 billion which is chicken
feed, but NO the bastards would rather use the crisis as a way of fucking
us all over and taking all hope from us, eventually with inflation going
the way it is the average worker will be lucky if they can even afford
a pint of bitter after mortgage/rent and bills have been paid. Its a disgrace,
and the whole country should have a series of strikes, that would show
the c*nts we cannot and will not put up with anymore shit.
W> Jo..whoever Chris Smith is, he
talks sense. I've told you before..where my husband lives, in Benidorm
, there are English supermarkets, English people "Taking Spanish jobs by
working illegally, house prices going up because English people
afford to pay more for a villa with a pool, and english people every where
who don;t speak a word of Spanish or know jack shit about the Spanish way
of life. It's the same in parts of France and Italy..we do it too.
If English people won't work long hours for minimum wage in poor conditions
then someone has to. Hospitals, hotels, restaurants, shops, farms..all
need workers .
SmiTH> I see the reverse, I m in the balkans, why? far
its been "dangerous" and thus the property/tourist speculation hasnt turned
ithis region into another "benidorm" /..its a long story, but i come up
against the english "old boys club" too many times, the leaders exploit
the people, and use xenophobia as one of many tools to divide and rule
the masses , ma was a regional secretary of the labour party, and I yet
was once a rich business man , i thank goodness i got meningitis and woke
up to the mess the world is in, people "vote" for "leaders" or follow religious
or trends
..and dont challenge the stupidity of funding a world which spends more on military than protecting its natural resources for the benefit of all the people there are many ways to oppose the system with non violence, that little guy ghandi brought down an empire without firing one bullet...something like 25000 kids die daily whilst some kids in modern society moan if the dont get the latest xbox..i was lucky we were happy as a kid having a football to kick..i have been spoilt too..but the old statement "people get the society they deserve" is so true, how many times have i been or seen a FEW people stand up and say that things are wrong,??
.. its not a new things its always been apathy (and the weird idea that "I am only one person so i cant change it") that lets the few dictate, we have too many lawyers, too many accountants, too builders and civil sdervants and too few "creators" but no one teaches what I know ..sorry Jo, but its just that my father's generatiion gave their lives so that people EVERYWHERE, (not just brits) would have the chance to move FREEly around the world and people are being sucked into "protectionism" again, nationalism and selfish commercialism, the barbie & ken image is sold to kids, and no wonder they are never happy........end of "rant" ;)
pooem from CS-> Ob2 ...OB2>I'm not a "free byrd" Chris, that's my problem :)
CS>the culture I grew up in was warm, friendly , musical and laughed a lot , but was also strong when needed..took in the "stranger" but here , not only here but worldwide people are cold..sure you could say "go back to Liverpool" but for me the world is there to be lived in, not to stay in a "comfort zone" ,,I learned so much about myself by "travel"
where is the "problem" ? ..there IS NO problem, but people and most modern women want to complicate ...
could i have done it "better" , you are wrong...I could have done it "differemt" yes , you are right..but choices are made and consequences are our journey ..I havent argued with your friends since when??? I dont go looking to find them for an arguement, I only have to breathe as an "alien" in a cold world thats losing its humanity bit by bit to find an arguement , I may always be in conflict with the "human race" ..
what do I feel OB2, about touching your soul, well strange as it may seem , though you consider me "violent" ..i am very sensitive and careful , because I dont want to hurt you, i dont to burn you with my fire ...i have such deep emotions that i feel I am going to explode, ..
funny , when i was younger i played football a lot and used all that energy ...when was married or in relationship i usaed it to make love ...
when i was in between (or during) I danced until everyone else waS exhausted, i resent people looking at me and thinking i am "older" ...because i have more energy than most people half my age..
i could take on the world s problems and not be worried, but you, having let the door open to feelings makes me very careful even if it dont seem like that , i send you music and messages..i could write a poem now in seconds about i willl
OB2, do you touch my soul?
everyone is so cold
oasis in a desert it seems
do you enter my dreams?
danced one time
felt good
may struggle to make this rhyme
you think that i could?
it "safer" to learn this way?
chance to look in my eyes
hear the words we say
lover , no lies but still with sighs
feel and i feeel and feeeeeel
pain that may never heal
i would hope to use my bandage
cover that hole in y-our soul..
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